Tuesday, March 9, 2010

2 months old

It's so hard for us to to believe, but our little Princess Paisley is 2 months old! She is growing and changing everyday, and we love it, but it is also bittersweet. We can't wait to show her this world, but are so sad that she won't stay little long.

This month we hurdled some pretty big issues, as we found out Paisley is allergic to dairy, and most likely soy. That explains the major fussiness she had the first 7 weeks of her life. I really think the poor child cried for nearly 7 weeks straight. We found out she was allergic at about 5 weeks old, and it took about 3 weeks for her to heal, and for me to get all dairy out of my system. Now she is a different baby! Here are some of the things she brightens our day with now at 2 months old:
  • Smiles at the sight of Momma and Daddy at times.

  • Smiles and "talks" at family and friends.

  • Says "Ah goo".

  • Rolls over from belly to back. (She's done it 4 times!)

  • Spends much of her wake-time on a blanket on the floor (who needs a $60 play mat when you have a good blanket and a light above?)

  • Loves to be held, and sleeps best on her belly laying on Momma or Daddy. (We limit that time though)

  • Seemingly looks at the pictures while we read her a story at night before bed.

  • Tips the scales at 10.5 lbs!

She is starting to tolerate headbands much better and I put one on her with the biggest bow I can find every chance I get! She is just adorable in them I must say! We have started going out this month, too and here are a few places she has been.

  • First trip out was with Momma to "Hop, Skip, & Jump" a Children Boutique. (OF COURSE!)

  • She has been out to eat several times now, and has always been great at restaurants. I think the louder they are, the better she sleeps.

  • She has been to church 3 times now, and last Sunday she made it through the whole service without having to be taken out.

  • Momma and Pais have been on several trips to walk at the mall, and taken a few walks outside now.

  • Paisley has even made it to Tennessee to see family. What a wonderful, whirl-wind of a trip!

This month Paisley also started taking a bottle of formula at her 8:00 feeding. We thought it might help her sleep better, and we wanted her to be use to the taste of the formula in case this no dairy/soy diet I am on proves to be too much to handle. When we found out about the allergies, we decided to try to get her through flu season and/or to 3 months old. She indeed has been sleeping a bit better after the bottle, sometimes until 2:30am, which is amazing! We know she will continue to get better everyday, and we are SO looking forward to sleeping through the night!

Enjoy the picture from Paisley's 2nd month. Thanks for checking our blog!

1 comment:

  1. she's just beautiful! can't believe she's 2 months already! i'm having a hard time figuring out who she looks like!
