Friday, August 27, 2010

8 months old

Our Paisley-girl is now 8 months old! We are enjoying this little angel every minute. She has so much personality, and is a little ball of energy. And when I say little, I mean tiny, weighing in at around 14lbs. :) Here are the accomplishments she has made this past month:

  • Crawls like it's nothing. She can fly across a room. That little peg leg crawl you saw a few posts a go, has now turned into a "half-crawl, half-walk" as she uses her left knee to crawl normally, and her right foot to walk. Because of this, she has a much wider stride and moves FAST!

  • Pulls up on everything. The couch, toys, tables, chairs, legs, the back door, the wall, whatever she can balance on.

  • Lets go once she gets pulled up and steady with one hand. Sometimes both hands and lasts about 3 seconds before she grabs back on, or falls to her bottom. She also has discovered that she can lean on whatever she has pulled up on, and play with both hands.

  • Has taken 1 step, hands free! She was at the love seat and decided she wanted to go to the couch. So she let go, took one step toward the couch, and then fell. I don't think she can get that other foot in front fast enough yet. Take your time Paisley, we are in no hurry!

  • Says "dada" ALL THE TIME. She loves this new found skill! We just started working on "mama". :)

  • Discovered the stairs, and crazy me, wanted to see if she could climb them...and she could, all the way up to the top. Now we have a gate at the bottom because apparently that was a lot of fun and she wants to do it several times a day!

  • Is learning to like her pack and play. I had to get it back out to put her in at times so she is "caged" as Jason calls it. :) She does pretty well, but once she is tired of it, she pulls up, and pulls her body up on the side. (Like a chin up). This kid is out of control.

  • CLIMBS like a monkey. (hence the stairs) Mom always said I was a "climber" and now I am getting it back. Paisley climbs in her car seat, on top on boxes, etc. When she pulls up, if there is anything higher she can reach, she is trying to go higher.

  • Eats cereal/oatmeal and half of a stage 2 fruit for breakfast. A stg 2 veggie and 1/2 fruit for lunch. Cereal/stg 2 veggie and stg 2 fruit for dinner.

  • Nurses 4-5 times per day, but is starting to loose interest. She doesn't want to be still long enough!
  • We believe her soy allergy is now gone. I have been dabbling in soy here and there, and she has had no reaction. So last weekend we ate full blown Japanese food, soy sauce and all, and she didn't mind one bit. That opens my diet up to a whole new world! Maybe soon I will be brave enough to try dairy... who knows.

  • Plays "Peek a boo" with a blanket.

  • Loves to be read to before nap and bedtime. If I lift the page up a bit, she will grab the page and turn it for me. (On board books) :) I just love it! We need to get it on video so you can see too.

  • Has mastered the trainer sippy cup.

  • Goes to sleep around 8:00pm, and sleeps until around 7:00am. I never get her up earlier than 7, even if she wakes up, she will play until 7, or go back to sleep. Sometimes she will sleep until 7:30. (NICE!)

  • Takes 2 naps per day. Usually one good 2 hour nap, and a shorter 1- 1.5 hour nap.

  • Still goes down awake, and puts herself to sleep. (Best thing EVER!)

  • Wears size 1/2 diapers. Size 6 months clothes mostly, with a few 6-9 m, and a few 3-6 month :) Her sleepers are mostly 3-6m.

  • Now has 2 bottom teeth!!


  1. Hey! I found your link from Erica's blog! Paisley sounds A LOT like Rader (our little one)....except for their sizes!! haha.

    It's SOOOO nice that they can put themselves to sleep!! And sleep soooo long now :)

    It's nice to read about other little ones as they grow too!

    p.s. Paisley was our girl's name we had picked out so we're hoping someday we'll be able to use it! We love that name :)

  2. Hey Aubrie! I love checking your blog and watching Paisley grow and get cuter and cuter! I am so glad to hear that she is sleeping better and going to bed on her own...Praise the Lord. I'm sure life is more enjoyable for you now :) Praying for you guys!

  3. Praise God for sleeping through the night and babies being able to put themselves to sleep! Miss P sounds like she is really exploring her is so fun to watch her grow isn't it? She's too precious...sending love your way!
